Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Natural Remedies - Are they best.

Many Acne sufferers use over the counter or prescribed medication. Many are aware of the ingredients, but are unaware of what they actually are or what they do. Would you put a product that contains an ingredient that mechanics use to clean oil spill off the floor on your face. Maybe you already do.

Many products contain chemicals such as Benzoyl peroxide which have been known to cause irritation and dryness. This can subside over time, but sometimes this is not the case.
Benzoyl has been known to suppress the immune system, and after extensive studies on animals it is believed to increase carcinogenesis.
Glycolic acid is another known irritant used in skin peeling products, it is all very well removing the top layer of skin, but the problem with acne is that it is the lower layers of skin which is where the problem actually is.
After using skin peeling products one can often look like they have a very bad case of sunburn, not very attractive.

Many acne treatments do not have to pass very stringent guidelines according to the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) state that cosmetic companies, products including acne remedies do not have to have pre market approval, with the exception of colour additives and a few prohibited substances. Other than this they are free to produce their cosmetics and in turn sell them to the public for profit.
You will all have a your own views on this, but you should all be aware of the chemicals that may be in your acne treatments.

Have a look here for natural acne remedies that may suit you.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Try these recommended Anti Dandruff products.

Dandruff -solve the problem

Dandruff is the excessive shedding of dead skin cells.
It is natural for people to shed dead skin cells, but when this
becomes excessive it causes us problems as it is unsightly and in
turn can affect our confidence.
Sufferers may even resort to never wearing dark clothes, so as to
save them some embarrassment.

Many cases of dandruff are due to an imbalance in our diets, our hair
seems to show any deficiency in our diets, through our hair, another
reasons could be due to certain types of eczema

Dandruff can appear due to a lack of essential fatty acids, or
vitamin B. Also foods that contain a large amount of sugar, and
white bread, can make the condition worse.
There are many products, IE shampoos that can control this
problem, but not all of these work, some can also cause irritation to
the scalp and should be stopped immediately and if after some time
these are not working, try another product, this can be tedious and

Try to brush your hair regularly as this helps to remove and
encourage the shedding of dead skin cells. Do not use greasy
products, IE styling wax as these can increase the severity of the

General good health and a well balanced nutritional diet, goes a long
way to reducing or even preventing this embarrassing condition.
Eat a diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, less refined
carbohydrates, and eat plenty of Zinc rich foods such as Brown
rice, Chicken,salmon, Wholewheat bread and oatmeal.

Tea Tree Oil has been found to be very successful in the treatment of Dandruff, but again this may not be for everyone.

If your dandruff is very severe it is advisable that you seek advice
from a professional dermatologist.

There are some very good natural dandruff remedies available on the market.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Do you need to lose weight quickly!

This is not a long term plan just how to lose a few pounds in a week, maybe you are going on holiday, have a wedding to go to or maybe a school reunion. Some times we just need a quick fix

Try to eat at the same time every day, whether it be three meals a day or several snacks throughout the day, studies have show through research that if people can eat at the same time each day, they appear to produce the right amount of insulin and the hormones that tell you that you have eaten enough, so this can in turn reduce your calorie intake.

  • Another good way to reduce calorie intake, thus increasing weight loss try cutting out bread and replacing this with oat cakes,or try making a salad with bulgur wheat, add sliced peppers, raw or cooked, some cherry tomatoes, and any other vegetables you may like. Another good alternative is Rice Vermicelli noodles, mixed with chicken or lean pork or even fish, add peppers, lemon juice, some tarragon or any spices that you like.

  • Also be aware of foods that are labelled "low fat foods", "Low in calories", "diet" as many of these can hide hidden calories. So read the labels and check salt, sugar and fat content. Cut down on Alcohol, a bottle of wine contains 600 calories.spirits contain less calories tan both wine and beer so try these if you want to have the odd drink.

  • Drink a pint of water before your meals and you will feel full a lot quicker and eat less.

  • Include lots of fruit an vegetables, exchanging them for snacks such as crisps and crackers.

  • Try to increase your exercise, as this will speed your up metabolism. If it is only an extra twenty minutes a day, you will feel more positive and it will help suppress your appetite.

  • Just making small changes in your diet and activities will help you shed a few pounds and when the special event has been and gone, look at a long term plan for reducing the excess pounds.

  • Always remember to keep your diet well balanced and nutritional during any weight loss programme.

    Click Here!

    Natural cold sore cures

    We all hate that tingling feeling on our lips that warns us that a cold sore is about to make an appearance.

    Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 are two species of the herpes virus family.

    Herpes simplex virus is associated with cold sores and they are lifelong infections.

    The virus can lay dormant in the body for any amount of time but certain factors can cause symptoms such as cold sores to flare up.

    One cause of aggravation of cold sores is the UV rays from the sun, which can trigger cold sores. Always ensure that you use a high-factor sunblock on your lips

    Other causes in making cold sores flare up can be if you are suffering from a cold, flu and especially stress.

    Studies have found that certain products containing lemon balm may have a preventative action and aid in the treatment of the virus that causes cold sores. It is believed that the plant contains an ingredient that can stop viruses from getting into the cells of the skin.

    If you are fed up with trying creams and potions, take a look at this. This could solve your problem by following natural methods, including boosting your immune system by eating a nutrition.

    If you are fed up with trying creams and potions, take a look at this. This could solve your problem by following natural methods, including boosting your immune system by eating a nutrition

    Friday, 13 June 2008

    Basic Skin Care

    One major rule for all basic skin care is to moisturise, no matter what type of skin you have, whether it be dry, greasy, combination or normal.

    The three age old rules apply, Cleanse, tone and moisturise

    When cleansing it is important to use the correct cleanser, i.e do not use a thick lotion if you have greasy skin, opt for a thinner milk cleanser and if you have sensitive skin use a natural product.
    Always cleanse the eyes gently, always working towards the outer eye on the top eyelid, and towards the inner corner of the eye at the bottom, so as not to drag the skin.

    Toners that contain astringents help to constrict or shrink tissues, and Witch hazel is one that is recommended to acne sufferers, or people with very oily skin. So the effect is to tighten pores and smooth skin. If your skin is quite dry, try using a toner without astringent.

    Always moisturise, as we get older a thicker moisturiser is better so long as it is not so thick as to drag your skin.

    One other personal tip which i have always followed other than liquid cleansing soaps, when i have had problem skin, i have never used ordinary soap on my face. Cleansers should be enough to clean your skin.

    • Face masks made with Witch Hazel and oatmeal is a good one for oily skin.
    • For normal skin, Rose water and avocado can be a good moisturising mask
    • For sensitive or irritated skin a mask of calamine and orange flower water, can be quite soothing and can take some inflammation away.

    It is often said that cold tea bags and slices of cucumber are good for relaxing the eyes, although there is a debate as to whether cucumber actually does anything special, but it is relaxing and cooling especially if your eyes are tired, and if it feels good and does no harm so why not try it.

    A small tip for puffy eyes is to use a cold teaspoon and rub it gently along the area under the lower eyelid again towards the inner eye lid, to reduce puffiness.

    Wednesday, 11 June 2008

    Do you have a weight problem, lets deal with the problem first of being overweight, you are not alone, in the United States there are 58 million people overweight, and 32% of women and 46% of men overweight in the UK.
    "I guess you are saying i wish i wasn't one of them."
    We are not talking about what the Doctors or the medical profession say, we should weigh, that is down to you as to what weight you want to be ( i.e BMI which is very difficult to apply to individual people as it depends on their build, and how muscular they are, so this does not really show us a true picture,) but about how we feel and at what weight we feel good, It seems the case that a lot of people will say well as long as your happy your ok, you look ok,but what if we are not happy and don't think we look alright.

    There are a multitude of diets on the market, some very strange ones, such as the cabbage diet, great if you like cabbage, not so good for everyone else. The Atkins diet which eliminates certain groups of food. there are also the pills that promise you miracles which we know if we are honest, are not logical or particularly healthy.

    I believe that there are some good supplements
    on the market, and these are not for everyone, but they can be the answer for some of you who have busy lives and do not want to always be counting calories and weighing food, they are handy to replace a lunch or even a breakfast when you are on the go. You can use these for as long as you wish without them doing you any harm as long as you follow a balanced nutritional diet alongside them!

    Acne how can we cope with it.

    Acne can affect us in many different ways, it can have a psychological and social affect on the sufferer. Although predominantly affecting adolescents it can affect anybody (approximately 85% of acne sufferers are aged between 12 and 25 years of age), adolescents have a hard time because they are dealing with changes in their bodies, and it is a time of developing their personalities.

    Life is difficult enough when you are young and finding our place in the world, and to suffer with acne is an added pressure.

    Women can sometimes feel the effect of Acne more than men, and i am not being sexist, but the world we live in puts a lot of stead on the way women look, somewhat more than men.

    There are many types of Acne, and there are numerous arcticles and products on the market. Although skin care, and food that we eat and regualr excercise are all factors that can contribute to allevieate the problem. We all need a helping hand to make our lives better.

    Many people who suffer with Acne tend to suffer with depression, due to low self esteem, feeling self concious, and not feeling confident about being around other people.
    There are different types of Acne, and it is important to realise what type you suffer from.
    The treatment of acne has far advanced and there is a lot more hope of a cure.
    More Acne help here.

    Hello to you all

    Welcome, hopefully you will find some answers to questions that you may have at this blog, working in the beauty industry, i come across a lot of products that promise the world and they do not work, we sometimes have to try more than on thing to get results, this is just like anything in life, whether its what we like, what we wear, what things agree with us and what doesn't. Treatments and products are no different, sometimes we are lucky and we hit the jackpot first time.

    We want to enjoy our lives to the full, and people with issues about their skin, their weight problems, feeling down, not feeling 100% can sometimes find this an uphill struggle.

    Lets hope we can help or advise you some way to the results you want.