Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Do you have a weight problem, lets deal with the problem first of being overweight, you are not alone, in the United States there are 58 million people overweight, and 32% of women and 46% of men overweight in the UK.
"I guess you are saying i wish i wasn't one of them."
We are not talking about what the Doctors or the medical profession say, we should weigh, that is down to you as to what weight you want to be ( i.e BMI which is very difficult to apply to individual people as it depends on their build, and how muscular they are, so this does not really show us a true picture,) but about how we feel and at what weight we feel good, It seems the case that a lot of people will say well as long as your happy your ok, you look ok,but what if we are not happy and don't think we look alright.

There are a multitude of diets on the market, some very strange ones, such as the cabbage diet, great if you like cabbage, not so good for everyone else. The Atkins diet which eliminates certain groups of food. there are also the pills that promise you miracles which we know if we are honest, are not logical or particularly healthy.

I believe that there are some good supplements
on the market, and these are not for everyone, but they can be the answer for some of you who have busy lives and do not want to always be counting calories and weighing food, they are handy to replace a lunch or even a breakfast when you are on the go. You can use these for as long as you wish without them doing you any harm as long as you follow a balanced nutritional diet alongside them!

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