Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Dandruff -solve the problem

Dandruff is the excessive shedding of dead skin cells.
It is natural for people to shed dead skin cells, but when this
becomes excessive it causes us problems as it is unsightly and in
turn can affect our confidence.
Sufferers may even resort to never wearing dark clothes, so as to
save them some embarrassment.

Many cases of dandruff are due to an imbalance in our diets, our hair
seems to show any deficiency in our diets, through our hair, another
reasons could be due to certain types of eczema

Dandruff can appear due to a lack of essential fatty acids, or
vitamin B. Also foods that contain a large amount of sugar, and
white bread, can make the condition worse.
There are many products, IE shampoos that can control this
problem, but not all of these work, some can also cause irritation to
the scalp and should be stopped immediately and if after some time
these are not working, try another product, this can be tedious and

Try to brush your hair regularly as this helps to remove and
encourage the shedding of dead skin cells. Do not use greasy
products, IE styling wax as these can increase the severity of the

General good health and a well balanced nutritional diet, goes a long
way to reducing or even preventing this embarrassing condition.
Eat a diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, less refined
carbohydrates, and eat plenty of Zinc rich foods such as Brown
rice, Chicken,salmon, Wholewheat bread and oatmeal.

Tea Tree Oil has been found to be very successful in the treatment of Dandruff, but again this may not be for everyone.

If your dandruff is very severe it is advisable that you seek advice
from a professional dermatologist.

There are some very good natural dandruff remedies available on the market.

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