This is not a long term plan just how to lose a few pounds in a week, maybe you are going on holiday, have a wedding to go to or maybe a school reunion. Some times we just need a quick fix
Try to eat at the same time every day, whether it be three meals a day or several snacks throughout the day, studies have show through research that if people can eat at the same time each day, they appear to produce the right amount of insulin and the hormones that tell you that you have eaten enough, so this can in turn reduce your calorie intake.
Another good way to reduce calorie intake, thus increasing weight loss try cutting out bread and replacing this with oat cakes,or try making a salad with bulgur wheat, add sliced peppers, raw or cooked, some cherry tomatoes, and any other vegetables you may like. Another good alternative is Rice Vermicelli noodles, mixed with chicken or lean pork or even fish, add peppers, lemon juice, some tarragon or any spices that you like.
Also be aware of foods that are labelled "low fat foods", "Low in calories", "diet" as many of these can hide hidden calories. So read the labels and check salt, sugar and fat content. Cut down on Alcohol, a bottle of wine contains 600 calories.spirits contain less calories tan both wine and beer so try these if you want to have the odd drink.
Drink a pint of water before your meals and you will feel full a lot quicker and eat less.
Include lots of fruit an vegetables, exchanging them for snacks such as crisps and crackers.
Try to increase your exercise, as this will speed your up metabolism. If it is only an extra twenty minutes a day, you will feel more positive and it will help suppress your appetite.
Just making small changes in your diet and activities will help you shed a few pounds and when the special event has been and gone, look at a long term plan for reducing the excess pounds.
Always remember to keep your diet well balanced and nutritional during any weight loss programme.
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